Ma'a OEM & ODM auaunaga fa'afeiloa'i

E tusa ai ma manaoga o tagata faatau, na filifilia e le au inisinia sela, mamanuina le BMS, faʻapipiʻi sela, faia suʻega.Matou te fa'amalieina a matou tagata fa'atau i fofo liliu.Fa'apitoa Faia maa pusa ma LG/Samsung/Sanyo/Panasonic/Sony maa cell.100% Fa'amautinoaga Moni.Fa'amolemole fa'afeso'ota'i mai matou mo se fa'atauga e leai se totogi ma au galuega fa'atino o pusa maa.

Based on customer's requirements, engineering team selected the cells, designed the BMS, packed the cells, performed the tests. We satisfy our clients with turn-key solutions. Custom Made battery pack with LG/Samsung/Sanyo/Panasonic/Sony battery cell.100% Authentic Guarantee. Please contact us for FREE quote with your battery pack projects.

R&D Lagolago

I le avea ai o se gaosiga faʻapolofesa e tusa ma le 30 inisinia i le PLM R&D team e aofia ai le 5 PHD, 10 MFD ma le 15 Bachelors.E tusa ma le 30 iunite Otometi gaosiga meafaigaluega, 25 nubit Semi-autometi meafaigaluega ma 8 laina gaosiga i totonu o la matou fale gaosimea.

As a professional manufacturer there are about 30 engineers in PLM R&D team including 5 PHD , 10 MFD and 15 Bachelors. About 30 unit Automatic production equipment ,25 nubit Semi-automatic equipment and 8 production lines in our factory.

O Tatou Fa'amanuiaga

Tuuina atu i taimi talafeagai: I le PLM matou te malamalama o se tasi o manaʻoga sili ona taua a le matou tagata faʻatau o le tausi taimi.Matou te popole i le alualu i luma o la matou tilivaina e pei o lo matou tulaga lelei.Tulaga sili ona lelei: Faʻamautinoa o oloa e sili ona lelei o la matou faʻamuamua sili lea.O le mafua'aga lea matou te filifili ai i taimi uma e teu fa'afaigaluega i fofo fa'atekonolosi maualuga i totonu o la matou nofoaga autu R&D.Oloa fa'apitoa: E aofia ai le faletupe sili ona manifinifi a le lalolagi, o lo'o ofoina atu e le PLM le tele o oloa sili ona lelei e fa'afetaui ai mana'oga ma mana'oga o tagata fa'atau.Au'aunaga sili ona lelei mo tagata fa'atau: O se tasi o atugaluga faifaipea o lo'o fa'asoa mai e a matou tagata fa'atau ma i matou, o le mana'omia lea o le fa'atuatuaina o le auaunaga a tagata fa'atau ma matou te fa'atautaia so'o se fa'afesili a'o le'i fa'atau ma pe a uma.

Timely delivery: At PLM we understand that one of the most important demands of our customer’s is being punctual. We care our delivery progress as much as our quality. Best quality: Guaranteeing products that are of best quality is our foremost priority. This is the reason we always choose to invest in high-technology solutions in our R&D center.  Special products: Including the world's thinnest power bank, PLM offers a wide range of finest products to meet the evolving customer needs and demands. Excellent customer service: One recurring concern that our clients share with us is the need for reliable customer service experience and we do take care of any inquiries both before and after sales.

Faatatau ia tatou

O la matou meatotino ShockSpreadTM


Shenzhen Plmen Battery CO., LTD na faavaeina i le 2014, o se faʻapolofesa taʻitaʻia le gaosiga o le lithium ion ma sili atu i le 5 tausaga le talafaasolopito i Saina.O oloa autu o le maa polymer toe faʻaleleia, 18650 pusa maa, uila uila, pusa maa lithium poʻo soʻo se galuega faʻapitoa maa.E mafai ona matou tuʻuina atu le tasi-laasaga fofo ma oloa faʻasologa atoa mai maa i vaega maa e pei ona manaʻomia e tagata faʻatau.



Talu mai lona faʻavaeina, o loʻo faʻatupuina e le matou fale gaosi oloa muamua a le lalolagi ma le tausisia o le mataupu faavae o le lelei muamua.O a matou oloa ua maua le taʻutaʻua lelei i le alamanuia ma le faʻamaoni taua i tagata fou ma tuai ...

Oloa Fou